Every photographer has their flaws and I am no exception. I have mistakenly missed taking some important photos, had some blurry ones as well and also had the settings wrong on the camera and some pictures turned out either washed out or too dark to be salvaged. But perhaps the biggest flaw I have has nothing to do with the camera at all.
It is that I constantly compare myself to other local photographers, but not in a good way. I look at their photos on Facebook and wonder why my pictures don't look as sharp or crisp as theirs. I wonder why I don't get as many clients as it seems that they do. I wonder what I'm doing wrong because I don't seem as successful as they are.
I get myself worked up and all bent out of shape and usually the thoughts are unfounded. I am my own person. My pictures are just as good as theirs it's just that my style is different and I've learned that that is ok. We all can't be the same. And really the biggest thing I need to worry about is whether or not my clients are happy with the pictures. As long as they are happy with them then that's all that matters.
I also have to realize that there are a ton of great photographers in Franklin County and we are all vying for the same client pool. So I have come to the conclusion that I am getting my fair share of clients and if I want to get more clients I am going to have to work harder than I ever have and be consistent in doing so.
In saying all of these things that I have to do to overcome my biggest flaw, will I still continue to compare and criticize myself to other photographers. Probably so. But I just have to take a step or two back and take a breath and know that it will be alright.