Mess E Photos

My question is, who was sitting around thinking "Hey, what if I pull a ground hog out of it's burrow on February 2nd and then say that if it sees it's shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter or if it doesn't see it, spring will come early?"

They must have been pretty bored that day. 

I mean the Weather Channel had TWO reporters up there doing live interviews and showing the countdown to the famous moment.

It's crazy how popular it is.  I'm not knocking it at all.  I'd actually like to go up there one year to Gobber's Hill and see what it's all about. 

What do you think?

Quote of the Week:   

"A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with the people" - Annie Leibovitz

Creating lasting relationships is what photography is about.

A Quick Programming Note:

I think I have been trying to do too much in one newsletter and I was very overwhelmed trying to get it ready every week before Friday.  Also the format was waaaayyyy too long and taking so much time to read.

So going forward I am going to split them up into two separate emails.  One email will be sent on Tuesdays and this one will still be sent on Fridays.

I hope you'll stick around because I've got a lot to tell you but I understand if the twice a week schedule is too much or you feel my newsletters aren't the right fit for you.

Update your email preferences here...

Something exciting is coming this March!! 

I can't share the details just yet because I'm still ironing them out.  But it won't be long so stay tuned!!

Winter Sports:   

Attention Basketball and Cheer coaches and participants!!

This is your friendly reminder to get your team and individual pictures scheduled soon before the end of the season on March 3rd!

I offer this service FREE of charge and I will come out to any school during a practice or if we can't make that work, we can try getting them in before a game.  

Here are the dates in February I still have available: 7th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd.  The entire last week of February is also available as well (except the 27th) however that might be cutting it close to getting your pictures back before the end of the season (or banquet if you plan on having one.)

Click here to book your team pictures...

Click here for a pdf copy of the order form...


Meet the Self Family!

I am super excited to share their highlights and tell their story with you!

These pictures were taken at one of my most absolute favorite places to take pictures, the Smart View picnic area on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Read More About Their Session...


Chelsea Adkins

Pink Cadillac Sales Director at Mary Kay!

She is quite simply the best at what she does in everything.  And if I'm not mistaken, I believe she is going to get a 3rd Cadillac this Saturday!!  Quite the accomplishment!!

Check her out for all of your Mary Kay products, specialty sessions and countless tips and tricks from the best.

Visit her Facebook page to learn more...


This week's question: 

"How do I make the most of my family photo session?"

Read the answer...


I thought I would do something a little different this week.  I thought I would post a picture and a brief description of an animal from the Franklin County Animal Shelter.  Hopefully by doing this we can get these sweet animals a good furever home.

Meet Verbena!  Look at that sweet smile!

She is one of the longer tenured residents at the shelter.  She is super friendly, gets excited when she first meets you, but then just wants love.  She loves belly rubs!  She's fully vetted and keeps a clean kennel.  She is dog selective so a meet and greet is required.  She would do great with children!!

Feel free to share this with anyone you think needs a new friend.

Read more about Verbana...


How Do I Earn Points?

How Many Loyalty Points I Have?

What do I Get out of the Loyalty Program?

Read all about it...


Do you know someone, family or friend, that would be interested in and could benefit from this newsletter?

Forward this email to them, tell them all about it and ask them to use the button below this message to sign up.  When they do, not only will they get a reward, but so will YOU! 

Rewards for You:

  • You will get 1 point towards the Customer Loyalty Program and a $25 print credit!!

Rewards for Them:

  • They will get $10 off a future booked session.
Click Here to Subscribe to this Newsletter!


I hope you have enjoyed the new format of this newsletter.

I want to make sure this newsletter contains things YOU want to hear. 

What would you like me to include?  

Let me know what you think!

Stay safe and I hope you have a great weekend!


As always, if you ever need to contact me, please feel free to anytime!

Text or Call Me! (540-793-0798)

Email Me! ( or reply to this email

Follow Me on Social Media!

  Mess E Photos   |   540-793-0798   |  

Update Email Preferences Here.

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