Mess E Photos


Picture this. 

Two weeks ago you signed up your 3 year old and 18 month old boys for a Christmas mini session at 9:30am with a local photographer.  You're thinking, ok, it's just a 20 minute session.  The kids will be fine for that amount of time and I'll get some great pictures for our family Christmas card. 

What could possibly go wrong??

You get there and you see a setup with a beautiful Christmas themed backdrop and studio lights ready for your kids.  Everything is going good.

Then BAM!

Your kids hit the ground running and they have freedom in their sights!!

The oldest runs over towards the backdrop and steps on the part that's on the floor, his feet go out from under him because it's slick, he falls on his behind and the backdrop starts swaying (he's was fine, not even a scratch or any tears).  Meanwhile the 18 month old takes off down the hall away from the photography area and you end up having to chase after him and bring him back only for him to do it 2 more times until we finally shut the door.  

You're now thinking, why did I do this to myself?  All I wanted was some good pictures of my kids in their PJs for our Christmas card.  You're starting to get discouraged and frustrated and wondering how the "poor photographer" will get  good shots.

One thing I have learned as a photographer over the years that the best way to earn the trust of a toddler is to literally be on the same level as them.  They are just short little humans.  They like it when you are on the floor with them.  It makes them feel important and isn't nearly as intimidating as when someone they don't know very well is standing over them trying to get them to be still and smile.  This method definitely helped in making them more comfortable and willing to have their pictures taken.  

In the end we got fantastic shots of each kid as individuals and together.  The mom was over the moon happy with the photos considering the chaos before the session even started.  

This story was based on true events that happened with my last Christmas mini session in November of 2023.  All kids were fine, no injuries reported, candy canes were enjoyed by all and the photographer learned a valuable lesson that way as well. 

Tape the backdrop to the floor!!!

Seriously though, there is no need to fear photo sessions of the kids with me.  I'm going to tell you straight up there is no "perfect" session when kids are involved.  But there are things I can do to minimize the craziness and get great shots. 

And honestly I'm going to ask you to relax and let them be kids some of the time because some of the best pictures are the ones when they are not posing or looking directly at the camera. 

Like those special moments when they are looking at a fake present or a stuffed animal or in our case a fresh candy cane.   

 Check out the great photos we captured of these sweet little boys using the button below.  

Check out their adorable pictures...


Meet the Hatchett Family! Their summer session was definitely not lacking in fun!

Read More About Their Session...


Kayla Miller - Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant! 

Word has it that she is currently having her very first virtual Mary Kay party!  Check it out...


This week's question: 

"How do I dress everyone for our pictures so they look good?"

Read the answer...


This week's furry friend is 

Sierra the 9 year old boxer! 

Look at that sweet face!

Her humans are James and Becky Loan from Callaway.

Funny story now although it wasn't at the time, but they had set out some steaks on the counter to thaw during the day.  When they got home they noticed the steaks were gone and Sierra was just chilling like nothing had happened.

Do you want your pet featured in a newsletter?  Reply to this email and attach your favorite picture and a brief description and I'll get them in here!


How Do I Earn Points?  It's easier than you think!

Are You Interested in Knowing How Many Loyalty Points You Have?

What do I Get out of the Loyalty Program?

Read all about it...


Do you know someone, family or friend, that would be interested in and could benefit from this newsletter?

Forward this email to them, tell them all about it and ask them to use the button below this message to sign up.  When they do, not only will they get a reward, but so will YOU! 

Rewards for You:

  • You will get 1 point towards the Customer Loyalty Program and a $25 print credit!!

Rewards for Them:

  • They will get $10 off a future booked session.
Click Here to Subscribe to this Newsletter!


I hope you have enjoyed the new format of this newsletter.  

I want to make sure this newsletter contains things YOU want to hear.  What would you like me to include?  Let me know what you think!

Looks like we're in for a frigid day Saturday!  Stay safe and I hope you have a great weekend!


As always, if you ever need to contact me, please feel free to anytime!

Text or Call Me! (540-793-0798)

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  Mess E Photos   |   540-793-0798   |  

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